Books to Start the Conversation: Dealing with Coping and Emotions
Check out this list of books about learning ways to cope and ways to deal with difficult emotions. Each category is separated by age! Ask a parent to help you find the books that interest you!
Happy Hippo, Angry Duck by Sandra Boynton
The Pigeon Has Feelings, Too! by Mo Willems
It’s Okay to Be Different by Todd Parr
Imagine a Rainbow by Brenda S. Miles, PhD
Little Tree by Joyce C. Mills
My Many Colored Days by Dr. Seuss
The I’m Not Scared Book by Todd Parr
The Way I Feel Books by Albert Whitman
Curious George Goes to the Hospital by Margaret & H.A. Rey
Mangos for Max by Dr. Jessica St. Louis
- A Boy and a Bear: The Children’s Relaxation Book by Lori Lite
- Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day by Judith Viorst
- Peaceful Piggy Meditation by Kerry Lee MacLean
- The ABCs of Yoga for Kids by Teresa Power
- Woolfred Cannot Eat Dandelions by Claudine Crangle
- Everyday Cool with Food Allergies by Michael Pistiner
- Visiting Feelings by Lauren Rubenstein
Do you have suggestions for our reading list?
Contact us at to give us your ideas for additions to our book list. We can't wait to hear about your favorite reads!
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What is FPIES to ME?
FPIES, medically speaking, is a type of food allergy affecting the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. Unlike typical food allergies, symptoms may not happen right away and do not show up on standard allergy tests.
You have heard about FPIES from your parents and doctors, but what does it mean to be a kid experiencing FPIES?
Ways to Cope: For Kids, By Kids
Finding ways to cope and ways to lower your stress related to FPIES can be rough at different times. Kids might need different outlets for coping than adults! We have spoken to other kids dealing with chronic illness or FPIES to bring you a list of resources that can help!
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Page published: Nov.27, 2013. Last Update: January 19, 2018. Copyright © 2013, The FPIES Foundation