Educate and Raise Awareness for FPIES!
Share your awareness!!

Download and print these awareness cards and flyers and distribute them in your community, or share in your online/social media communities today:
Your most powerful contribution to The FPIES Foundation is your family’s voice.
Awareness is ACTION!
- Download, print and share Posters and Packets for FPIES Education and Awareness
- Share Awareness on Social Media
- Start the Conversation Today!
- Visit our Awareness Events and Fundraising page
- Contact us at for any assistance that you may need.
Share “How to Help an FPIES Family Today” on Social Media to spark FPIES awareness
Share “FPIES: In a Word” on Social Media to bring awareness to the experiences of families affected by FPIES
Encourage your community to “Be the Voice” by sharing this FPIES awareness video on social media today!
Page published: July 2, 2012. Last update: May 1, 2018. Copyright © 2012, The FPIES Foundation