The FPIES Foundation is an Incorporated 501(c)3 Non-profit Foundation dedicated to overcoming the challenges of FPIES by offering tools for education, support, and advocacy to empower families and the medical community. It is our vision to provide tools for families & patients managing FPIES every day. We are an entirely volunteer-based organization and do not keep any paid employees– all manpower is unpaid and voluntary. Any efforts to support the activities of The FPIES Foundation are enormously appreciated, as we strongly value anyone reaching out to FPIES families. All donations from our incorporation (August 31, 2011) to present are tax deductible, and tax-exempt under our 501(c)(3) non-profit designation.
Let’s Get Started!

Foundations in Fundraising
Are you looking for ways to support The FPIES Foundation through a community event?Whether you are interested in creating a Foundation fundraiser, an awareness event, or a personal benefit in tandem with an FPIES Awareness event, we have the resources that you need to get started and to make organizing your next function a walk in the park!
Types of Fundraisers and Awareness Events

The first approach is a fundraiser created to solely benefit The FPIES Foundation. All proceeds raised at this type of function would be donated directly and exclusively to The FPIES Foundation.
For this type of fundraiser, you would need to fill out a short form detailing your planned event, and then we could provide you with the information related to our non-profit status that you may need to get things up and running (donors may be more likely to take part in your fundraiser when raising funds for a registered non-profit). Because of The Foundation’s official 501(c)(3) non-profit status, several options are available, including but not limited to walk-a-thons, restaurant-supported family nights, silent auctions, and so on.
For a list of different events to consider, you can connect with us to get you started. And, if you would like to discuss the details of your event further, you can always contact a representative of The FPIES Foundation via our contact inbox today!
A second approach is to create a divided fundraiser. In this type of event, part of the proceeds would be donated to The FPIES Foundation whereas a separate portion of the proceeds would go towards a personal benefit created to help offset the medical costs of your child’s diagnosis.
In order to execute this type of event more smoothly, it may be helpful to have two separate ways of generating funds. For instance, in the case of a restaurant-supported family night, there could be a separate “tip jar” for donations to one cause and then the percentage of sales that the restaurant would donate could go to the second cause.
This type of event can be very successful for both causes involved– the key is to ensure that guests at your event understand both causes that are represented and in what way their donations will be distributed. Guests can be informed prior to the event via print and media advertising, but also at the event, via awareness materials about both causes represented and how funds donated to each will be utilized.
A third approach is to create a fundraiser to benefit your family, to help offset the cost of medical expenses for instance, and to also present an awareness event in tandem with the family benefit.
The awareness event would not need to raise funds for The FPIES Foundation but would instead serve a different purpose– to raise awareness and to educate your community about FPIES. The FPIES Foundation is happy to provide materials to help support your awareness event and also welcomes any questions on how to make your event more successful in educating your community.
We welcome your support of The FPIES Foundation!
We have just highlighted a few of the main types of events you and your family may wish to plan. Whatever event best suits your family’s situation, we at The FPIES Foundation are happy to help you every step of the way in optimally reaching your fundraising and awareness goals! In addition to planning an event, supporters of The FPIES Foundation are encouraged to participate in our ongoing fundraisers listed below, some of which are at no-cost to you!
Click on any of the images below to learn more about ongoing fundraisers!
The FPIES Foundation partners with various online vendors to support family-friendly, ongoing fundraisers.
Awareness is happening in communities everywhere, what’s going on in YOUR backyard?
Wondering where you can pitch in on a local level? Check out our roster of family fundraisers and awareness events. Do you have an awareness or fundraising event happening soon? Contact us to see your event posted!
At The FPIES Foundation, we believe that forming strong bonds with our local and global communities means greater strength for supporting our children and families. We hope to partner with you, our global community, in order to advance education, advocacy and medical research regarding FPIES. If you would like to host or promote an event, or if you would like more information on how you can help with an FPIES Awareness Fundraiser to benefit The FPIES Foundation, please contact us at
Page published: June 30, 2012. Last update: April 6, 2018. Copyright © 2012,The FPIES Foundation