The FPIES Foundation “Locate a Healthcare Professional” is a free program provided by The Foundation for use by the general public as a source for information on family referred and recommended physicians and other healthcare professionals that are experienced and knowledgeable in FPIES. The FPIES Foundation does not endorse any one particular provider, clinic or hospital. Decisions regarding medical care should be made with your healthcare provider.
The inclusion of a Healthcare professional in the Locate a Healthcare Professional program does not imply The Foundation’s specific recommendation or endorsement, nor does the omission of a Healthcare professional in the Locate a Healthcare Professional program imply The Foundation’s disapproval. The Locate a Healthcare Professional program is not intended as a tool for verifying the credentials, qualifications, or abilities of any Healthcare Professional, nor does it indicate that a physician or other healthcare professional meets standards for specialized and individualized FPIES care needed for your child’s individualized needs. All recommendations made within the Locate a Healthcare Professional program are made by independently. Please use your judgement when choosing a healthcare provider for your child’s medical care.
The FPIES Foundation does not publicly list a healthcare professional’s name without the express written consent from the healthcare professional. Participation in the Locate a Healthcare Professional is open to all healthcare professionals in practice with FPIES knowledge and experience in the United States, Canada, South America, Europe, Africa, Australia, and Asia.
The FPIES Foundation shall not be liable to any person or entity for any claims, damages, liability or other loss including, without limitation, any liability for injury or other damage resulting from any use of, or reliance on, any information contained in the Locate a Healthcare Professional program.
You are prohibited from downloading, republishing, selling, or duplicating of the data listings or other information in the Locate a Healthcare Professional program, in whole or in parts, for commercial use any other use except your personal location of helpful FPIES healthcare professionals. By using this program, you are agreeing to these terms of use described above.
Page published: July 29, 2012. Copyright © 2012,The FPIES Foundation