Meet our “Allies For FPIES,” our partners for Global FPIES Day, 2020. They can be found here and on this page. This year, we honor all of those who stand with our community to raise awareness, build community support, expand research,  and improve quality of care for all those affected by FPIES.

FARE (Food Allergy Research & Education)

FARE (Food Allergy Research & Education) is the world’s leading non-governmental organization engaged in food allergy advocacy and the largest private funder of food allergy research. Our mission is to improve the quality of life and the health of individuals with food allergies, and to provide them hope through the promise of new treatments. FARE is transforming the future of food allergy through innovative initiatives that will lead to increased awareness, new and improved treatments and prevention strategies, effective policies and legislation and novel approaches to managing the disease.

"An individual can make a change but a team can make a revolution" Amit Kalantri

BIO FPIES Research Network

The BIO-FPIES Study Network, a partnership between Imperial College London, GENVIP in Spain, and ten tertiary allergy centers in Spain and Italy, is aiming at improving diagnosis and management of Acute FPIES.

"Unity is strength. . . where there is teamwork and collaboration, wonderful things can be achieved" -- Mattie Stepanek

Food Allergy Canada

Food Allergy Canada is a national non-profit charity and Canada’s leading patient organization committed to educating, supporting, and advocating for the more than 3 million Canadians living with food allergy. Our organization focuses on improving the daily quality of life of individuals and families by providing education and support needed to effectively navigate food allergy, building informed and supportive communities, and acting as the national voice on key patient issues.

"Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much" -- Hellen Keller

Becoming an Ally for FPIES

Organizations that The FPIES Foundation decides to partner with are carefully reviewed for credibility and reliability of resources before The FPIES Foundation initiates projects relating to partnerships. Partnerships are based upon the credibility of the organizations in question and the applicability of resources such organizations may offer in regards to benefiting the community of families and medical providers who support individuals diagnosed with FPIES.

The FPIES Foundation is an Incorporated 501(c)3 Non-profit foundation dedicated to overcoming the challenges of FPIES by offering tools for education, support, and advocacy to empower families and the medical community.

Page published: October 5, 2020. Last Updated: October 9, 2020. Copyright ©2020 The FPIES Foundation