![]() Welcome to the Recipe Box! On this page, you will find a compilation of a variety of recipes, submitted from the diverse FPIES community. Some are simple, some are complex, but all are available to you as a resource and as an inspiration. Even if the ingredients are different from your little one’s safe list, we encourage you to read the recipes and cooking tips available here– often, great inspiration for creating your own safe recipes can be gained by reading the recipes of others.
We need you! Parents of children with food allergies are some very creative cooks in the kitchen. If you would like your recipes to be included here, please submit them to contact@thefpiesfoundation.org, along with a statement that the recipes submitted are indeed original creations. Please also include a bit of background behind the recipe— is it a first birthday cake? Your child’s favorite afternoon snack?
We can’t wait to hear from you!
Cooking Tips
Food-Free Favorites
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Be sure to participate in our polls– we want to customize our resources to families’ needs!
Recipes using breastmilk– coming soon!
Recipes using formula– coming soon!
Single ingredient recipes– coming soon!
Recipes for breakfast– coming soon!
Recipes for lunch– coming soon!
Looking for new dinner solutions? Click here for some fresh ways to serve veggies!
Recipes for snacks– coming soon!
Recipes for sweet treats– coming soon!
Page published: May 21, 2012. Last update: May 22, 2015. Copyright © 2015,The FPIES Foundation