Global FPIES Day is fast approaching, set for October 14th, 2014. We are so excited for this huge awareness raising opportunity and we are also so excited that so many FPIES Families are getting involved!
There are quite a few events and fundraising opportunities right now and we thought it would be helpful to highlight them here:
FPIES Fashion!
Thanks to FPIES mom, Jessie Ipson Richens! She raised funds and awareness through her very successful TFund Global FPIES Day t-shirt & Jamberry Nail Wrap sales! This sale was limited to enable shipments to be received before Global FPIES Day. If you ordered one of these products, expect shipment soon!
Cafe Press FPIES Foundation Awareness Shop: Did you miss the first Global FPIES Day shirt sale? No need to worry– the Foundation has you covered!Our Cafe Press Foundation Shop has something new in the window! Awareness gear to wear and accessories for daily living, all honoring Global FPIES Day with unique designs. From magnets to drinkware to clothing for all sizes, there are countless ways to show your support for the day! 20% of sales are donated to The FPIES Foundation!
Rosie’s Creations supports Global FPIES Day! Items made by Rosie are available for sale and a portion of all sales over $10 will be donated to The FPIES Foundation from Sept.5, 2014 until October 14th, 2014.
Thirty-one Fundraiser for FPIES 2014. FPIES mom, Elizabeth Wagner, is hosting a Thirty-one party from October 1, 2014 – October 14, 2014 to help raise awareness about FPIES. 80% of the profits will be donated to the FPIES Foundation and there will be a raffle at the end for those who have joined the group. More information can be found in the facebook group created for this event.
Wear your FPIES Brave when you purchase a piece of Bravelet jewelry from our Foundation’s page. With every Bravelets purchase from our page, $10 will be donated to The FPIES Foundation, to advance our cause for education, advocacy, outreach and research.
Flowers for FPIES!
Fall is here but Spring is in the air! Keep warm weather wishes close by getting your flower bulbs from Flower Power now! For every purchase made on this site, Flower Power Fundraising will give 50% back to The FPIES Foundation. Sale ends October 15th.
Holiday Shopping for a Cause!
The FPIES Foundation will once more be selling coupon books forBon Ton’s Community Days sales event (only November 14 and 15, online or in store!). Coupon book savings total $500+ per book and at only $5 each, this bargain is incredible! If you are local to southwestern MA, you can pick up your book in person by contacting or you can order a booklet online and have it shipped to you for free.
For direct donations to the FPIES Foundation in honor of Global FPIES Day:
Ongoing, COST FREE Fundraisers that support our initiatives:
There are also plenty of FREE ways to raise awareness and support the FPIES Foundation.
- Change your profile picture to the Global FPIES Day awareness ribbon!
- Use ‘Goodsearch’ as your search engine and automatically raise money for the FPIES Foundation:
- Use GoodShop to find savings and shop at all of your favorite stores– online or in town!
- Register and do your online shopping with iGIVE! Fall is here and we’re looking forward to the holidays. What better time to help The FPIES Foundation just by sharing. Tell your friends, even friends who support some other cause or charity. Each person who joins iGive in October for the first time by joining under this link: can mean $5 automatically donated to The FPIES Foundation… no purchase necessary! All they need to do is try the iGive Button through 1/15/15.
Every day more people learn about FPIES, but every day more children are diagnosed with it. Together we can make a change. Small amounts add up fast.
Some examples of where the money goes:
- ‘75’ dollars will send 100 doctors FPIES information packets
- ‘50’ dollars will get 25 newly diagnosed FPIES families vital information to help them navigate this challenging diagnosis.
- ’25’ dollars will distribute rack cards to at least 50 allergy fair attendees.
- Additional funds are allocated in varying amounts to larger scale education, outreach, and scientific meeting/research initiatives.
Together we can all ‘Be the Voice’ for our children and others living with FPIES.
This post was written by the Executive Board of The FPIES Foundation.