What is FPIES to ME?
You have heard about FPIES from your parents and doctors, but what does it mean to be a kid experiencing FPIES?
Ways to Cope: For Kids, By Kids
Finding ways to cope and ways to lower your stress related to FPIES can be rough at different times. Kids might need different outlets for coping than adults! We have spoken to other kids dealing with chronic illness or FPIES to bring you a list of resources that can help!
The Brag Board
Would you like to share your art or a personal message with the FPIES community and those wanting to learn more about this condition? Simply create some art or write your statement and send it to us, as an email attachment at contact@thefpiesfoundation.org (write “brag board” in the title line) or through postal mail
Kids in Action!
All over the world, kids of all ages are using their individual voices to spark action, to make changes in their world! There are some kids who live with FPIES and have decided to take action to raise awareness and to help others along the way! You can meet some of these kids below!
- Let’s Meet Sarah!
- Charlie’s quick-thinking saves baby sister
- Standing up for FPIES: Nicole’s Story
- Vivian’s Global FPIES Day custom Tattoo
- Chase’s FPIES Challenge
- Sam’s FPIES: Rare but Real fundraiser
- Team Bryce raises awareness in style for Global FPIES Day!
- Baler’s Global FPIES Day Awareness, tractor style!
- Sam raising awareness at a local baseball game!
- Tasfia writes and sends a letter to her state Senator in support of Global FPIES Day. (An assignment on writing an advocacy letter on something she cared about for her ‘Writing through World Literature’ high school class).
Do you know a “kid in action” who is working to help others living with FPIES, helping to spread FPIES awareness, or something similar? Are YOU a kid in action?
Write to us and tell us what great work you are doing or encourage another “kid in action” to send us his or her story! Please know that in order to have your story appear on our site, you must send us a signed or emailed statement from one of your parents or guardians giving consent for us to post this information.
You can either email us at contact@thefpiesfoundation.org, with “Kids in Action” in the subject line, or send us the information via postal mail to:
USPS Mail:
The FPIES Foundation
c/o Kids in Action!
P.O. Box 304
Stewartville MN 55976

Page published: September 11, 2013. Last update: January 17, 2018. Copyright © 2013,The FPIES Foundation