Challenges and Unmet Needs in FPIES from the Parents and Adult Patients’ Perspective – an International Survey

Researchers were very interested in learning more and have published a paper on what they have learned, from YOU! The results of the survey show researchers that the key priorities for the community are: better awareness among health professionals, having diagnostic tests to avoid misdiagnosis, as well as predictive tests to guide safer food trials. Future research and initiatives will be guided by these priorities!  

Parental psychosocial distress: A needs assessment for parents of infants 0 to 1 year with food allergies and intolerances

Parental psychosocial distress: A needs assessment for parents of infants 0 to 1 year with food allergies and intolerances. A food allergy diagnosis can be a life-altering experience.  The stress involved for the child and their parents has been underappreciated. We recently learned of a new research study examining parental Read more…