Food Allergy Awareness Week (FAAW) is May 10-16 this year. Every year we join with Food Allergy Research and Education (FARE) and the food allergy community to honor FAAW. We wanted to share some of the ways you can get involved and help build the growing awareness of different types of food allergies, such as Food Protein-Induced Enterocolitis Syndrome (FPIES).
Participate on social media: Some of the ways you can participate on social media are:
- Change your profile picture and cover photos to reflect Food Allergy Awareness Week. See our social media awareness & support page for downloads and ideas.
- Follow us on social media! We can be found on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Pinterest, and YouTube.
- Follow other food allergy organizations (such as FARE, Turn it Teal and so many others) participating in FAAW.
- Create a social media post that shares your story, couple it with an FPIES Awareness material image for a stronger impact.
- Share FPIES awareness materials (such as our Superhero card, Have you Heard postcard…). Visit our Awareness and Resources pages for more ideas!

Share your story:
- Contact your local media and share your story, raising awareness to all forms of allergies through the news.
- Submit your/your family’s journey with us for our Inspiring Families stories page, building the foundation for others to understand what this diagnosis means to families.
- Consider sharing your family formula story with Patients and Providers for Medical Nutrition Equity. This organization is working to change the legislation for universal formula coverage and your stories make the impact in helping representatives understand the struggles faced by families.
- Write a story, sharing your experience about life with FPIES, for The Mighty – a rare disease online community.
Wear your Awareness gear: This could be something as simple as wearing teal, the color for Food Allergy awareness. Or, if you have FPIES awareness gear – this is the best time to wear it! Check out our Café Press store for more FPIES awareness gear, including the latest creation: The FPIES Wordle 2020.
Conduct an online awareness and fundraiser event: Even if we can’t meet in person this year to hold fundraisers and raise awareness, you can organize an awareness event coupled with an online fundraiser through platforms such as Facebook, Network for Good, Just Give, or donations directly through our website.
Take our new FPIES Cares Initiatives Community Survey: Improving care and research for those living with FPIES is key. We want to know what’s important to you. Please help us by taking the survey.

We know you build awareness to FPIES every day that you/your child lives with this diagnosis. Thank you for joining us during Food Allergy Awareness Week!
This post was written by Joy Meyer, Co-Director of The FPIES Foundation.