According to the FPIES Global Patient Registry, caregivers/patients report an average of 1-5 months, with several families taking up to a year, for a child to receive an FPIES diagnosis. A year to diagnosis. A year of experiencing symptoms and reactions. A year looking for answers and support. The FPIES Foundation is working to change that. We give more children, affected individuals, and their families help and support when we educate people everyday about the diagnosis.
This is where you come in.
As we celebrate Global FPIES Day on Wednesday October 14th; we want you to talk to your family, friends, caregivers, healthcare providers, daycare’s, schools, and more about FPIES. Teach them the about the diagnosis. Don’t know how to start the conversation? We can help! Don’t know what to share? We can help!
And then, join us at for our Global Day Virtual Online Interactive Community Event and find new resources and support for you and for you to share!
Also, don’t forget to register and complete the surveys on the FPIES Global Patient Registry!This is your chance to make an impact on the FPIES diagnosis. What better time to start than on Global FPIES Day?
If you love our work then tell the world! It’s easy and only takes 3 minutes! Go here to get started!
This post was written by the Executive Board of The FPIES Foundation.