The FPIES Foundation invites everyone to participate in the first official celebration year of Global FPIES Day on October 14th!
FPIES (Food Protein-Induced Enterocolitis Syndrome) is a rare type of food allergy and the need for awareness, education and support around the globe is great. Newest MAB member, from Spain, Sergio Negre Policarpo, MD, PhD shares, “Our aim is to improve the diagnosis and treatment of this disease by avoiding wasted time and misdiagnosis. Similarly, our desire is to bring knowledge of this entity to the general population and expand their knowledge in Spanish-speaking territories.
Just as Dr. Powell empowered medical providers with tools for the FPIES diagnostic criteria, The FPIES Foundation will continue providing tools for providers, patients and families. Over the years, we pursued the campaigns such as “Awareness is Action,” “FPIES: Now I Know” and “FPIES: Be the Voice”– our aim for Global FPIES Day remains consistent with these ongoing initiatives: to educate, support and empower through global outreach, multi-faceted resources, and innovative research.
We are proud to launch the webpage ( dedicated to everything you need to know for Global FPIES Day. This webpage is your one stop for learning and sharing information about FPIES, ways of establishing awareness in your community, being an advocate, connecting to research and so much more!
The highlights of the webpage are the simple ways you can be part of the day: wearing your awareness, sharing your awareness with a ribbon frame, building awareness with Foundation flyers, printing awareness packets for providers, patients, and families, participating in “fourteen for FPIES”, and joining the fun with Sarah’s FPIES Clubhouse.
In honor of Global FPIES Day, we aim to raise greater awareness to this often misunderstood diagnosis. Please visit for ways to get involved or contact The FPIES Foundation at for more ways that you can help!
This post was written by the Executive Board of The FPIES Foundation