We love hearing about new children’s books, especially when they are about Food Protein-Induced Enterocolitis Syndrome (FPIES) and focused on empowering children (and their families) to increase awareness and education to FPIES. We had the honor of sitting down with Ashlee, the author of “I Have FPIES: A rhyming story of one child’s journey with being diagnosed and learning to live with FPIES”.

Tell us a little about your book and your aim in writing it.
My book is called I Have FPIES. It was the first children’s book that I wrote. I always wanted to be a children’s book author. As a former teacher and stay-at-home Mom, children’s literacy was one of my top priorities with my children and students. When I had the opportunity to make my dream come true, I knew that a children’s book that centered around FPIES was going to be the first book I wrote.
In writing this book, I aimed to provide a sense of power and comfort to children who have FPIES or another food disorder. Knowing you are not alone and that there are others just like you who are experiencing things that you are is important to a child’s sense of community and identity.
What inspired your book?
My daughter, Avery (12), was diagnosed with FPIES when she was 6 months old. We were relatively new parents who were just thrown into the world of food allergies for the first time. We were in over our heads. Avery reacted to soy, dairy, and egg when she was diagnosed and is still acute to egg to this day.
As Avery grew and started understanding that her experiences with food were different than others, I looked for ways to help her feel not alone. I searched for a children’s book to explain her condition and help her feel connected to others going through similar experiences. Unfortunately, I was unable to find a children’s book about FPIES at that time.
What does your book provide?
“I Have FPIES” is a rhyming story from diagnosis to learning to live with this rare food allergy condition. It is filled with universal experiences that children and families navigating FPIES will understand and relate to. It provides a sense of community for children who may feel different than their friends and family and a sense that they are not alone with their feelings!

Can you tell us a little about it?
Sure! My daughter, Avery, helped me to write and design the book, which I think adds a unique quality to the story. It is written from a child’s perspective and takes you along in our FPIES journey from diagnosis to learning to live with this rare allergy condition. Filled with fun and colorful illustrations, descriptions of symptoms and honest feelings throughout, we strive to create a sense of understanding as your child navigates their own journey with FPIES. Included is a personal description of our FPIES experience (pictures too!) along with some of our favorite FPIES safe (for us) recipes we have used over the years.
Do you recommend this for both new food allergy parents and ‘veteran’ food allergy parents?
I don’t know about you, but the feeling of isolation and feeling different doesn’t feel any less as your FPIES child grows older. This book is recommended for children aged 2-10; however, it is filled with personal photos and our own experiences that older children may appreciate.
As the creator, do you have recommendations/advice for utilizing the book?
I suggest reading it to your child from toddlerhood on. Understanding you are not alone in a condition that often feels isolating, especially for older children who have FPIES, is vital. Make this a staple of your read-aloud time with your FPIES and non-FPIES children alike.
Do you have a website? How can people connect with you?
Yes! I can be found on Facebook and Instagram by searching for Authorash. I Have FPIES is available on Amazon and my own website. Below you will fi the link to I Have FPIES on Amazon. Some people prefer to purchase it from my website, as we can personalize a message and signature inside the book. This gives a greater sense of connectedness to some families. Search for author ash on any search engine and my website will pop up!
Anything else you would like to share that we did not ask?
As a fellow FPIES family, we understand what you are going through and the different emotions and experiences you face every day. We hope this book brings a sense of community to your journey!
This is a written interview with Author, Ashlee by Joy Meyer, Co-Founder/Co-Director of The FPIES Foundation.
Ashlee is an author who lives in Southern Maine with her husband and two children. She graduated from University of Southern Maine with a degree in English and then went on to graduate school for elementary education. As a former kindergarten teacher, who is still active in her town’s elementary school, she loves to combine her love for writing and for children through the writing of children’s books.

The FPIES Foundation provides suggested links to other Web sites as a convenience to you. The Foundation encourages you to evaluate websites yourself and discuss the information you find with your health care provider(s). Use of our Web site constitutes acknowledgment and understanding by the user that within our Website there may be links to other Web sites that are operated by parties or individuals that are not affiliated with The FPIES Foundation. Read more on our link policy at: http://fpiesfoundation.org/about-us-link-policy/ | The FPIES Foundation