August 31st marks the day The FPIES Foundation was launched. For 13 years, The FPIES Foundation has been committed to providing a credible and interactive support resource for this easily misunderstood allergic disorder to make the everyday lives of those living with Food Protein-Induced Enterocolitis Syndrome just a little bit easier. Here are just a few (13!) of our favorite Foundation resources to do just that!

#1. Could this be FPIES? Learn when the signs and symptoms may indicate the need for an FPIES evaluation in our Symptom Checker – Is it FPIES? – The FPIES Foundation

#2. Find guidance in navigating medical appointments and learn how to get the most out of your child’s important doctor visits. Living with FPIES: Doctor Visits – The FPIES Foundation

#3. From Nutrition resources for families to the Kitchen Table.  From no foods to first foods, from snacks to complete meals, the resources here can help you to navigate your child’s path to the kitchen table. Cooking and Nutrition – The FPIES Foundation

#4. Our Online Learning Library is a collection of multimedia resources to encourage the growth of awareness and education among medical professionals, families, and the communities that support individuals affected by FPIES. FPIES Foundation Learning Library – The FPIES Foundation

#5. Resources at your fingertips! From our forms and documents library to Network of Partners and Related Resources, if you’re looking for it- it’s probably here! Resources Links – The FPIES Foundation

#6. Emergency care can be required during an FPIES reactions. Check out the tools below to help you to be prepared and to support your child during an FPIES reaction requiring emergency care: Emergency Care – The FPIES Foundation

#7. You have heard about FPIES from your parents and doctors, but what does it mean to be a kid experiencing FPIES? Resources tailored to infants, children and teens can be found here! A Foundation for Kids – The FPIES Foundation

#8. Start the Conversation – The FPIES Foundation Start with the tools. When raising awareness, tools to educate and tools to spur action are most important. Be very familiar with your tools so that you can communicate easily and share the details of your cause.

#9. Awareness flyers – write to us for your copies or simply download and print these awareness cards and flyers and distribute them in your community!  Share in your online/social media communities today: Raise Awareness for FPIES – The FPIES Foundation

#10. School Support for Kids – The FPIES Foundation Here, you can find tools and tips to help you: Meet the School Psychologist, What IS a 504, IEP, or Allergy Action Plan?,How can I help the school understand FPIES?

#11. YouTube channel @TheFPIESFoundation we not only recognize the need for research to help future children and their families, but we also recognize the need to help our families and medical professionals now by providing education, advocacy and support resources, online and in our global community TheFPIESFoundation – YouTube

#12. Every October, we celebrate Global FPIES Day, a time to come together for FPIES awareness, focusing on ways to enhance our community’s understanding of FPIES– through the words we use, resources we share, and advocacy we bring to our local and global communities. Outreach and Impact: Global FPIES Day – The FPIES Foundation

#13. Awareness is just a click away with social media! Your most powerful contribution to The FPIES Foundation is your family’s voice Social Media Awareness – The FPIES Foundation

Thank you for 13 years of building awareness with us!

This post was written by Joy Meyer to recognize 13 years of The FPIES Foundation. Joy Meyer is the Co-Director and a Founding member of The FPIES Foundation.