Navigating your child’s Food Protein-Induced Enterocolitis Syndrome (FPIES) can be tricky, but know that many parents face this challenge, so you’re not alone. A 2021 review shows that FPIES may not be as rare as it once was. This diagnosis may feel limiting for parents who want their children to explore new foods. However, proper research will help you make informed decisions, so your child may still enjoy a tasty and balanced diet.
Reading resources like The FPIES Handbook: Information for Parents and Caregivers can be a good start for parents who want to gain more comprehensive knowledge. This book, written collectively by a family Doctor, a Registered Dietitian, and an FPIES support group leader – parents of children with FPIES – compiles evidence-based research, anecdotal experience, and, most notably, encouragement for parents who feel alone in their journey but want to feel ready to manage their child’s condition. Besides The FPIES Handbook, there are a vast number of materials to tap into for further research.
For convenience and portability, ebooks are ideal for FPIES research, allowing parents to consult a breadth of resources on a single device while on the go. Everand’s collection of ebooks features bestselling books, from Pulitzer Prize winners to classics that have stood the test of time. It is easy to consult the platform’s robust selection of medical ebooks, from well-loved medical titles to in-depth ebooks focusing on specific conditions. Parents can access these reads from any web browser, Android, or iOS device with a subscription. For busy parents who don’t know where to begin in their FPIES research, consider the following ebooks:
Food Allergies: The Complete Guide to Understanding and Relieving Your Food Allergies
To understand FPIES and how it affects your child, it can be helpful to start with the basics of food allergies, what the symptoms are, and how they can be relieved. This comprehensive ebook, written by a noted allergist, offers extensive knowledge about food allergies, which foods and chemicals to avoid, and which foods will be the most beneficial. Other than relaying this necessary information, it also provides an easy-to-follow diet that can aid children who may be prone to allergies, clinically tested plans for cooking, and advice on avoiding certain foods when grocery shopping or dining out.
Managing Your Child’s Food Allergies: The Complete Australian Guide For Parents
Though this title was made for the Australian market, it includes universally applicable insights to help parents navigate the nuances of their children’s food allergies. It provides sensible and practical advice on how to prepare food to prevent cross-contamination and how to understand food labels. It also touches on the tricky social situations that parents of children living with FPIES may find themselves in, such as dealing with family members who downplay the condition’s potential seriousness or how to overcome anxiety when a child is left with other carers.
The Everything Gluten-Free & Dairy-Free Cookbook
While any food can trigger FPIES, some of the most common triggers for children and babies include dairy products like eggs and cow’s milk. Thus, having FPIES-friendly recipes in one’s home cooking arsenal can be helpful. This cookbook contains 300 simple and satisfying recipes for the whole family. Preparing delicious, dairy-free meals will help eliminate triggers from your children’s diet while keeping them happy and healthy.
Allergen Management in the Food Industry
Parents seeking an even deeper understanding of how allergenic contaminants end up in foods may consult this ebook. It lists nine major allergens, including FPIES-specific allergens like oats. It also details the specific measures that food preparation professionals need to take to minimize the occurrence of such allergens in foods. Finally, it provides valuable insights on allergy-free certifications, which could help parents make safer choices when buying food at the grocery store.
Our “Talking About FPIES Part Three: Explaining FPIES to Your Child” article discusses the importance of having an honest and age-appropriate conversation with your child about their condition. While your child’s diagnosis may be overwhelming and confusing, rest assured that knowledge is power. When you understand their condition well, you can better explain it compassionately to your child. And thanks to the many available ebooks from FPIES experts, the medical community, and the food preparation and culinary industry, you can regain control of your child’s nutritional needs.
This post is written by a visiting blogger and is a contributed blog post offering a look at E-books as a resource tool for your researching how to help manage your child’s food allergies and FPIES.
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